4 Ways to Avoid Bladder Leaks While Running (2024)

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1Preventing Leakage With Lifestyle Changes

2Using Medical Devices to Prevent Bladder Leaks

3Getting Surgery

4Coping With Bladder Leaks

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Co-authored byRobert Dhir, MD

Last Updated: May 25, 2021References

Many people face leaky bladders when they run. The condition — stress urinary incontinence — may be caused by childbirth, obesity, hormonal deficiency, tobacco or alcohol consumption, or other conditions. Fortunately, there are many ways to avoid bladder leaks while running. This article focuses on women, but if you are a male struggling with incontinence while exercising, you should check out Prevent Male Incontinence.

Method 1

Method 1 of 4:

Preventing Leakage With Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1

    Regulate your fluid levels. While it is important to stay hydrated during a run, if you find your bladder leaks while running, you should look for ways to adjust your fluid intake to reduce your leakage levels.[1] For instance, if drinking water 30 minutes before your run leads to a leaky bladder once you’re running, try drinking water closer to the time you start running. Alternatively, try pushing your last cup of water before your run back to an hour before you lace up.

    • If you need to pee after a certain amount of time spent jogging — say, every 50 minutes — limit your runs to a period of time during which your bladder will not leak (like 30 minutes). If you want, you could hit the bathroom, then head back out for another run.
    • Finally, pee before going for a run. This will empty any excess liquid in your bladder and prevent possible leaking.
    • Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages. These can irritate your bladder. Skip the coffee and soda if you plan on running.
  2. 2

    Do Kegel exercises.[2] Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen your pelvic floor, urinary sphincter, rectum, bladder, and small intestine.[3] By strengthening these parts of your body through Kegels, you reduce the likelihood that you will have a leaky bladder while running.

    • First, find your pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles you use to stop the stream of pee when you urinate. During urination, try stopping and starting again. Do this each time you urinate until you’re familiar with their location and what it feels like when these muscles specifically are engaged.
    • Tightening your pelvic floor muscles doesn’t require that you tighten your abs, butt, or thighs. Pay attention to your body to discover the difference between these muscle groups and your pelvic floor muscles.
    • Once you know where the pelvic floor muscles are, lie down on a carpeted area or mat (a yoga mat works well). Squeeze and hold the muscles tight for at least five seconds. Then, relax the muscles for five seconds (though don’t relax so much that you urinate). Repeat four to five times.
    • Work your way up to tensing your pelvic muscles for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds.
    • Try to do these exercises three times daily.
  3. 3

    Maintain a healthy weight.[4] If you are overweight, you are more likely to suffer bladder leaks while running. Losing weight will help take pressure off your bladder and sphincter muscle.[5] To lose weight, exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. You will lose weight when your total caloric intake is less than your total caloric expenditure each day.

    • A healthy diet is built on a foundation of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, as well as fat-free or low-fat dairy products and proteins such as poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Other healthy foods you might enjoy include strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, nuts, seeds, and soy beans.
    • Use the National Institute of Health’s body mass index (BMI) at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm. The calculator will help you figure out what a healthy weight for you is.
    • Once you’ve reached your target weight, adjust your diet and exercise regimen so that your caloric intake is on par with your caloric expenditure each day. You could do this by reducing your exercise levels or increasing the volume of food you eat.
  4. 4

    Try other workout options besides running. Keep in mind that running is just one form of exercise to keep you fit. It is beneficial to mix your exercise schedule up a bit, especially since high-intensity running can exacerbate your leaky bladder. Biking, lifting weights, and swimming can also help you stay healthy and fit, and allow you time to work on strengthening your pelvic muscles.

  5. 5

    Do not smoke or drink.[6] If you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, you might be at higher risk for a leaky bladder. To quit smoking or drinking, set an end date no more than two weeks in the future.

    • One method is to cut down slightly on your alcohol or cigarette consumption every day at a rate proportional to your end date. For instance, if you plan on quitting in two weeks, your cigarette or alcohol consumption should be halved after one week and reduced by 75% after about 10 days.
    • Using an OTC nicotine replacement therapy, such as nicotine gum and/or a nicotine patch may be an effective method for curbing cigarette cravings.[7]
    • When you decide to quit smoking or drinking, get support from people who love and care about you. Share your decision to adopt a healthy lifestyle with them.
    • If you’re around people who smoke and drink, you might feel the urge to do so as well. Spend time with friends and family who do not smoke or drink to avoid this urge.


Method 2

Method 2 of 4:

Using Medical Devices to Prevent Bladder Leaks

  1. 1

    Get a urethral insert.[8] This is a small tampon-like disposable device inserted into the urethra that acts as a barrier to prevent leakage. It's usually used to prevent incontinence during a specific activity. One type of urethral insert is FemSoft, a narrow silicone tube that you can insert into your urethra to create a seal at the neck of your bladder, thereby preventing urine leakage. It is important to closely follow the instructions for use provided by your healthcare provider and included with the product. If you experience any problems or have any concerns, call your doctor.

  2. 2

    Try a vagin*l pessary.[9] A vagin*l pessary is a latex or silicone device that fits into your vagin* to help support your uterus, vagin*, bladder or rectum. A vagin*l pessary may help manage your stress urinary incontinence. Your doctor will determine which type of pessary and which size and shape is right for you.

    • It is important to follow up with your healthcare provider as recommended to ensure proper fit. If you experience any problems or have any concerns, always contact your doctor right away.


Method 3

Method 3 of 4:

Getting Surgery

  1. 1

    Discuss the options with your physician. Your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to manage your stress urinary incontinence. These interventions are designed to improve closure of the sphincter or support the neck of the bladder. Surgery should always be the last course of action. Only use surgery if Kegel exercises, lifestyle changes, and other medical interventions do not work for you. Talk to your doctor to determine if you are a good candidate for any of these procedures and to discuss any associated risks.

  2. 2

    Have a sling procedure performed.[10]iu This is the most common type of surgical procedure you can get to avoid a leaky bladder while running. In this procedure, a doctor will use some of your own tissue (or, occasionally, animal or artificial tissue) to create a small “hammock” below your bladder. The extra support will give you more control over your bladder’s function, and reduce leakage during running.

  3. 3

    Get injectable bulking agents. In this process, gels or other synthetic bulking agents are injected into the urethra to help you regain control over your ability to close your sphincter. This is not a permanent solution, but it is relatively noninvasive, making it a preferred course of treatment for many women.[11]

    • You may need two or three injections in order to produce the desired effect.[12] Each procedure lasts about 30 minutes.
    • This procedure is best for women who suffer from intrinsic bladder deficiency, a subtype of stress urinary incontinence. Bulking will probably not be effective if your bladder neck is dropping or not well supported, or if you simply have an overactive bladder. Talk to your doctor to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
    • You will not be able to eat or drink anything for 6 to 12 hours before the procedure.
  4. 4

    Try a retropubic colposuspension. This procedure offers extra lift and support to your bladder neck and urethra. This procedure may be done laparoscopically or by abdominal incision. A surgeon will sutures the support tissues of your bladder neck, vagin*, and urethra to ligaments or bones in your pelvis.[13]

    • You’ll need anesthesia before getting the surgery.
    • This procedure is typically used for incontinence caused by a weak or poorly supported bladder neck.
    • Retropubic colposuspension has been found to be effective in solving urinary incontinence in 70% of cases and is appropriate for many women.[14]

Method 4

Method 4 of 4:

Coping With Bladder Leaks

  1. 1

    Use incontinence pads or special underwear. There are several brands of underwear (like Thinx or Fannypants) that are designed to absorb any leaks. They are even available in sporting versions so you can wear them while you run. Visit your local undergarments shop or search online for a specific brand's website to try out this option.[15]

    • If you’re too embarrassed to talk about your incontinence and need for special undies, just order online.
  2. 2

    Empty your bladder. If you feel your bladder start to leak and cannot contain it, look for an area off the jogging trail to relieve yourself. Look ahead of you and behind you to ensure you’ll have adequate privacy. Head off the trail about 20 feet (6m) (seven meters) and avoid any thorns, brush, or roots that might trip you up. Don't disregard your safety in your rush.

    • Try to situate yourself behind some large trees or bushes so that you’ll be hidden from anyone passing by on the trail. Try a women’s urination device like GoGirl or Shewee to make it easier to urinate off the trail. You could pack these small devices in a fanny pack when you go running.
    • If you are wearing safety vest, remove it when you head into the woods. That way, even if someone runs by you while you’re urinating, you will be harder to spot.[16]
    • If you’re running in an urban environment, your situation is much easier. Just look for a restaurant or public bathroom in which to do your business.
  3. 3

    Bring a change of pants.[17] If you’re in a race, bring someone along. Not only can they cheer you on and offer moral support, but they can also hold a spare pair of bottoms for you. That way, if you do end up peeing, you can change once your race is run.

    • You probably won’t be able to change into the clean shorts or pants while running. The best option is to have someone meet you at the end of your race with a clean pair of bottoms.
    • Don’t forget to pack underwear, too.
    • If you’re by yourself out on the trail while running, you probably won’t have a change of shorts or pants handy. Your best move is to just head home, freshen up, and change there. Or, you can keep a change of clothes in your car if you are driving to a trail or track.
  4. 4

    Carry sanitary wipes.[18] Sanitary wipes are a hygiene product for cleaning and moisturizing your skin. They are used to maintain healthy, clean skin and avoid irritation from bodily substances. If you run, stuff a small package of sanitary wipes in a fanny pack.

    • Typically they are used by women during menstruation, or by parents changing their baby’s diapers.
    • If you wet yourself during a run, simply remove a sanitary wipe from the package. Use it just as you might use a napkin or disposable tissue to clean up a spill. Wipe away the urine on your legs and discard the sanitary wipe in a trash bin.


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      • Always use medical devices as directed.


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      1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stress-incontinence/basics/treatment/con-20027722
      2. Robert Dhir, MD. Board Certified Urologist & Urological Surgeon. Expert Interview. 12 October 2020.
      3. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/womens-health/in-depth/kegel-exercises/art-20045283
      4. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stress-incontinence/basics/treatment/con-20027722
      5. Robert Dhir, MD. Board Certified Urologist & Urological Surgeon. Expert Interview. 12 October 2020.
      6. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stress-incontinence/basics/treatment/con-20027722
      7. http://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/features/quit-smoking-drug-nicotine-patches-gums
      8. http://www.healthcommunities.com/stress-incontinence/stress/management.shtml
      9. http://www.healthcommunities.com/stress-incontinence/stress/management.shtml

      More References (9)

      1. Robert Dhir, MD. Board Certified Urologist & Urological Surgeon. Expert Interview. 12 October 2020.
      2. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stress-incontinence/basics/treatment/con-20027722
      3. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007373.htm
      4. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007374.htm
      5. http://www.cochrane.org/CD002912/INCONT_open-retropubic-colposuspension-urinary-incontinence-women
      6. https://www.mommynearest.com/edition/nyc/article/new-for-moms-icon-by-thinxs-pee-proof-underwear
      7. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/the-running-blog/2014/may/20/incontinence-common-problem-female-runners
      8. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/the-running-blog/2014/may/20/incontinence-common-problem-female-runners
      9. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/the-running-blog/2014/may/20/incontinence-common-problem-female-runners

      About this article

      4 Ways to Avoid Bladder Leaks While Running (29)

      Co-authored by:

      Robert Dhir, MD

      Board Certified Urologist & Urological Surgeon

      This article was co-authored by Robert Dhir, MD. Dr. Robert Dhir is a board certified Urologist, Urological Surgeon, and the Founder of HTX Urology in Houston, Texas. With over 10 years of experience, Dr. Dhir’s expertise includes minimally-invasive treatments for enlarged prostate (UroLift), kidney stone disease, surgical management of urological cancers, and men’s health (erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, and infertility). His practice has been named a Center of Excellence for the UroLift procedure, and is a pioneer in non-surgical procedures for ED using his patented Wave Therapy. He earned his undergraduate and medical degrees from Georgetown University and was awarded honors in pre-medical studies, urology, orthopedics, and ophthalmology. Dr. Dhir served as chief resident during his urological surgical residency at University of Texas at Houston / MD Anderson Cancer Center in addition to completing his internship in general surgery. Dr. Dhir was voted Top Doctor in Urology for 2018 to 2019, one of the top three Best Rated Urologists in 2019 & 2020 for Houston Texas, and Texas Monthly has named him to the 2019 & 2020 Texas Super Doctors Rising Stars list. This article has been viewed 15,745 times.

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      Updated: May 25, 2021


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