The First Descendant release date and latest news (2025)

When was The First Descendant release date? If you’re looking for a new co-op shooter in the vein of Destiny 2 and Outriders, The First Descendant might just be what you need. This sci-fi action RPG is packed with dynamic action that blends slick gunplay with strange otherworldly powers and gigantic bosses that require masterful strategy and seamless teamwork to overcome.

Ifyou’re looking to dive intoThe First Descendant, we’ve got all the details you need to know about the free-to-play looter shooter below. It may even be a contender for one of the bestfree shooting gameson PS5 and Xbox when it finally releases later this year.

The First Descendant release date

The First Descendant was released on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S platforms on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. This followed a preload period where players could download it via their preferred platform’s marketplace early, to save time when launch day arrived.

The First Descendant release date and latest news (1)

It also comes after extensive beta testing, with initial previews of the game impressing seasoned fans of the genre, albeit with some concerns regarding the game’s gear systems and repetitive nature.

The First Descendant beta

The final The First Descendant Technical Test was on Saturday, May 25, and Sunday, May 26, 2024. However, it was only open to players on Steam.

“The First Descendant will be running a Final Technical Test to address any remaining technical issues before the global launch,” Nexonsaid at the time.“To meet the goal of last-minute technical validation, the test will be limited to PC only, scheduled for a short duration.”

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Another The First Descendant beta was held back in September 2023, and saw “almost two million” eager players – ourselves included – get stuck in and offer up ample feedback.

Judging from the small scale of this final test, it sounds like Nexon’s learnings from the previous beta period were more than fruitful, and it’s only bringing the game back to players pre-launch to iron out any remaining creases.

The First Descendant gameplay

With slick movement and varied abilities, The First Descendant’s gameplay is a nice mix between Outriders, Warframe, and Destiny 2. At launch there were 11 different characters, known as Descendants, each with their own playstyle and personality in combat. Packed with loot to collect, you’ll be able to sink countless hours into The First Descendant at launch.

To get a flavor of its gameplay, checkout Arrekz Gaming’s thoughts after 24 hours of playtime below.

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Whilethe game’s combat and characters are off to a strong start,the biggest area we felt needed improvement from its beta periods is mission variety. During the play tests, the stunning environments were dragged down by rather repetitive mission design. This was one of the main pieces of feedback the team received,and the April 2024 dev update seems to be making good on it with the introduction of Instance Dungeons.

“Not only are Instance Dungeons intended to offer convenient mission gameplay, but our goal is to guarantee content volume and variety,” Nexon says. “Specifically, in addition to Intercept Battles, we aim to establish Instance Dungeons as end-game content. To allow a variety of gameplay for many players, both single-player and co-op gameplay are supported, and the difficulty level can be adjusted according to the number of participants.”

Dungeons can be entered through the terminal in Albion, as well as through Mission Beacons out in the field. Before entering a dungeon, bonus difficulty modifiers can be tweaked on top of the standard difficulty levels for better rewards – go big or go home.

This most recent update also introduced matchmaking and UI/UX improvements, a new Special Operation called ‘Research Blocking,’ Achievements and Titles, and a training environment called the ‘Laboratory’ where you can test equipment and more. Suffice to say, Nexon’s still going hard on feature additions even this close to launch.

With the game coming to PC,PlayStation, and Xbox, cross-platform multiplayeris a must-have featureat launch. Fortunately, The First Descendant has full support, making clearing challenging contentand bagging loot with friends and family that much easier regardless of which console (or PC!) they’re on.

Well, that’s all you need to know about the promising looter-shooter about The First Descendant release date. Will this be one of the best multiplayer games out there? It’s unclear right now, but you can check out some games on our best co-op games list to find some new titles to play with your friends if it doesn’t stack up for you.

The First Descendant release date and latest news (2025)
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